ImageMagick-6.9.8-3差分 - yoyaのメモの続き
The latest release of ImageMagick is version 6.9.8-4
- 7 系同時リリースは ImageMagick-7.0.5-5
- PerlMagick の quantum で Property セットのついでに Artifacts セットも行う改造
- copyright や参照 URL スキームを http から https に
- -Wno-suggest-attribute=format のない環境でもビルドできるようにした
- JPEG2000 の読み込みで、YCbCr, YUV 色空間の判断処理が変わったので注意。
- PCX (IBMペイントブラシ形式) の読み込みで planes==0 の時に弾く処理が入っている。(0のまま処理続くと相当まずい。。)
- SVG 周りにかなり手が入っている
- RGBTransformImage で YCCColorspace 変換テーブルを作成する時の係数を修正。
- security policy の virtual memory mapping 周りの対応を追加。
- FormatMagickSize の実数(%g)精度に GetMagickPrecision を使う。
- + があったら終端にさせる。
1083,1084c1083,1084 < *q++='\0'; < return(q-utf16); --- > *q++=(wchar_t) '\0'; > return((size_t) (q-utf16)); 1113c1113 < return(p-utf8); --- > return((size_t) (p-utf8)); 1243a1244 > *device, 1246a1248,1250 > const StringInfo > *profile; > 1294a1299 > channels, 1349a1355,1357 > profile=GetImageProfile(image,"icc"); > if (profile != (StringInfo *) NULL) > version=(size_t) MagickMax(version,7); 2177c2185 < (void) FormatLocaleString(buffer,MaxTextExtent,"%.20g 0 obj\n",(double) --- > (void) FormatLocaleString(buffer,MagickPathExtent,"%.20g 0 obj\n",(double) 2179a2188,2189 > device="DeviceRGB"; > channels=0; 2181c2191,2194 < (void) CopyMagickString(buffer,"/DeviceCMYK\n",MaxTextExtent); --- > { > device="DeviceCMYK"; > channels=4; > } 2187c2200,2203 < (void) CopyMagickString(buffer,"/DeviceGray\n",MaxTextExtent); --- > { > device="DeviceGray"; > channels=1; > } 2189,2190c2205,2206 < if ((image->storage_class == DirectClass) || (image->colors > 256) || < (compression == JPEGCompression) || --- > if ((image->storage_class == DirectClass) || > (image->colors > 256) || (compression == JPEGCompression) || 2192c2208,2216 < (void) CopyMagickString(buffer,"/DeviceRGB\n",MaxTextExtent); --- > { > device="DeviceRGB"; > channels=3; > } > profile=GetImageProfile(image,"icc"); > if ((profile == (StringInfo *) NULL) || (channels == 0)) > { > if (channels != 0) > (void) FormatLocaleString(buffer,MagickPathExtent,"/%s\n",device); 2194,2195c2218,2219 < (void) FormatLocaleString(buffer,MaxTextExtent, < "[ /Indexed /DeviceRGB %.20g %.20g 0 R ]\n",(double) image->colors- --- > (void) FormatLocaleString(buffer,MagickPathExtent, > "[ /Indexed /%s %.20g %.20g 0 R ]\n",device,(double) image->colors- 2197c2221,2262 < (void) WriteBlobString(image,buffer); --- > (void) WriteBlobString(image,buffer); > } > else > { > const unsigned char > *p; > > /* > Write ICC profile. > */ > (void) FormatLocaleString(buffer,MagickPathExtent, > "[/ICCBased %.20g 0 R]\n",(double) object+1); > (void) WriteBlobString(image,buffer); > (void) WriteBlobString(image,"endobj\n"); > xref[object++]=TellBlob(image); > (void) FormatLocaleString(buffer,MagickPathExtent,"%.20g 0 obj\n", > (double) object); > (void) WriteBlobString(image,buffer); > (void) FormatLocaleString(buffer,MagickPathExtent,"<<\n/N %.20g\n" > "/Filter /ASCII85Decode\n/Length %.20g 0 R\n/Alternate /%s\n>>\n" > "stream\n",(double) channels,(double) object+1,device); > (void) WriteBlobString(image,buffer); > offset=TellBlob(image); > Ascii85Initialize(image); > p=GetStringInfoDatum(profile); > for (i=0; i < (ssize_t) GetStringInfoLength(profile); i++) > Ascii85Encode(image,(unsigned char) *p++); > Ascii85Flush(image); > offset=TellBlob(image)-offset; > (void) WriteBlobString(image,"endstream\n"); > (void) WriteBlobString(image,"endobj\n"); > /* > Write Length object. > */ > xref[object++]=TellBlob(image); > (void) FormatLocaleString(buffer,MagickPathExtent,"%.20g 0 obj\n", > (double) object); > (void) WriteBlobString(image,buffer); > (void) FormatLocaleString(buffer,MagickPathExtent,"%.20g\n",(double) > offset); > (void) WriteBlobString(image,buffer); > } 2831c2896 < WriteBlobMSBShort(image,(unsigned short) utf16[i]); --- > (void) WriteBlobMSBShort(image,(unsigned short) utf16[i]);
- Magick++/lib/Drawable.cpp
- 引数名を正しくする。(動作は変わらないはず)
< DrawRoundRectangle( context_, _centerX,_centerY, _width,_hight, < _cornerWidth, _cornerHeight); --- > DrawRoundRectangle(context_,_upperLeftX,_upperLeftY,_lowerRightX, > _lowerRightY,_cornerWidth, _cornerHeight);
- Magick++/lib/Magick++/Drawable.h
1437,1438c1437,1438 < DrawableRoundRectangle ( double centerX_, double centerY_, < double width_, double hight_, --- > DrawableRoundRectangle ( double upperLeftX_, double upperLeftY_, > double lowerRightX_, double lowerRightY_, 1440,1443c1440,1443 < : _centerX(centerX_), < _centerY(centerY_), < _width(width_), < _hight(hight_), --- > : _upperLeftX(upperLeftX_), > _upperLeftY(upperLeftY_), > _lowerRightX(lowerRightX_), > _lowerRightY(lowerRightY_), <以下、変数名の追随>
- PerlMagick/quantum/quantum.xs
- Property 設定と同時に Artifact も。
1185c1185,1188 < SetImageProperty(image,attribute,SvPV(sval,na)); --- > { > (void) SetImageProperty(image,attribute,SvPV(sval,na)); > (void) SetImageArtifact(image,attribute,SvPV(sval,na)); > } <以下同様>
23,25c23,25 < # =========================================================================== < # < # =========================================================================== --- > # ============================================================================ > # > # ============================================================================ 66c66 < # with this program. If not, see <>. --- > # with this program. If not, see <>. <以下同様> |427c427 < m4_define(ax_warn_cflags_variable, --- > m4_define([ax_warn_cflags_variable], 442a443,449 > # Check that -Wno-suggest-attribute=format is supported > AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-Wno-suggest-attribute=format],[ > ax_compiler_no_suggest_attribute_flags="-Wno-suggest-attribute=format" > ],[ > ax_compiler_no_suggest_attribute_flags="" > ]) > 501c508 < -Wno-suggest-attribute=format dnl <以下同様>
- coders/aai.c
- imagemagick サイトの URL を http から https に変更
26c26 < % % --- > % % <以下、色んな codec で同じく>
- coders/icon.c
- ファイル内の画像で一番大きなサイズより、画像バイナリが小さい時は途中で切れてるのでエラーにする。
256a257,259 > MagickSizeType > extent; > 303a307 > extent=0; 316a321 + extent=MagickMax(extent,[i].size); + } - if (EOFBlob(image) != MagickFalse) - if ((EOFBlob(image) != MagickFalse) || (extent > GetBlobSize(image))) - ThrowReaderException(CorruptImageError,"UnexpectedEndOfFile");
- coder/inline.c
- ファイル名に data:〜 が指定された時は、その後ろをインライン画像として扱う。以前は inline:data:,〜 で指定。
< if (LocaleCompare(image_info->magick,"DATA") == 0) --- > if (LocaleNCompare(image_info->filename,"data:",5) == 0)
- coders/jp2.c
- ReadJP2Image で色空間判断の処理が変わってる。
- 以前 numcomps(色コンポーネント数)が 2以下の時に YCbcr にしてたのを color_space == 2 を条件にした
- dx > 1, dx > 1 なのでサブクロマサンプリングの時は YUVColorscape に。(いいのだろうか?)
- ReadJP2Image で色空間判断の処理が変わってる。
411c411 < if (jp2_image->numcomps <= 2) --- > if (jp2_image->color_space == 2) 416a417,419 > else > if (jp2_image->color_space == 3) > SetImageColorspace(image,Rec601YCbCrColorspace); 419,421d421 < for (i=0; i < (ssize_t) jp2_image->numcomps; i++) < if ((jp2_image->comps[i].dx > 1) || (jp2_image->comps[i].dy > 1)) < SetImageColorspace(image,YUVColorspace);
359a358,359 > if (pcx_info.planes == 0) > ThrowReaderException(CorruptImageError,"ImproperImageHeader");
- coder/rle.c
- HDRI サポート外の時に 0〜255 にクランプ処理を入れた。
277c277,278 < *p++=(unsigned char) ScaleShortToQuantum(ReadBlobLSBShort(image)); --- > *p++=(unsigned char) ScaleQuantumToChar(ScaleShortToQuantum( > ReadBlobLSBShort(image)));
- coders/sgi.c
- AcquireVirtualMemory に失敗した時に、すでにとった分のメモリ解放処理(Relinquish系)が色々なかったので、沢山追加。
406c406,409 < ThrowReaderException(ResourceLimitError,"MemoryAllocationFailed"); --- > { > pixel_info=RelinquishVirtualMemory(pixel_info); > ThrowReaderException(ResourceLimitError,"MemoryAllocationFailed"); > } 463,467c466,468 < if (offsets == (ssize_t *) NULL) < offsets=(ssize_t *) RelinquishMagickMemory(offsets); <以下略>
- coders/svg.c
<略> 2787c2787 < SVGDensityGeometry[] = "90.0x90.0"; --- > SVGDensityGeometry[] = "96.0x96.0"; 2837,2838c2837,2838 < if ((image->x_resolution < MagickEpsilon) || < (image->y_resolution < MagickEpsilon)) --- > if ((fabs(image->x_resolution) < MagickEpsilon) || > (fabs(image->y_resolution) < MagickEpsilon)) 2984c2984,2985 < if ((image->x_resolution > 0.0) && (image->y_resolution > 0.0)) --- > if ((fabs(image->x_resolution) > MagickEpsilon) && > (fabs(image->y_resolution) > MagickEpsilon)) 2999a3001 > apply_density=MagickTrue; 3025,3027c3027,3029 < image->x_resolution=90.0*image->columns/dimension_info.width; < image->y_resolution=90.0*image->rows/dimension_info.height; < if (image->x_resolution == 0) --- > image->x_resolution=96.0*image->columns/dimension_info.width; > image->y_resolution=96.0*image->rows/dimension_info.height; > if (fabs(image->x_resolution) < MagickEpsilon) <略>
- magick/colorspace.c
- RGBTransformImage で YCCColorspace 変換テーブルを作成する時の係数を修正。
931,939c931,939 < x_map[i].x=0.003962014134275617*i; < y_map[i].x=0.007778268551236748*i; < z_map[i].x=0.001510600706713781*i; < x_map[i].y=(-0.002426619775463276)*i; < y_map[i].y=(-0.004763965913702149)*i; < z_map[i].y=0.007190585689165425*i; < x_map[i].z=0.006927257754597858*i; < y_map[i].z=(-0.005800713697502058)*i; < z_map[i].z=(-0.0011265440570958)*i; --- > x_map[i].x=0.005382*i; > y_map[i].x=0.010566*i; > z_map[i].x=0.002052*i; > x_map[i].y=(-0.003296)*i; > y_map[i].y=(-0.006471)*i; > z_map[i].y=0.009768*i; > x_map[i].z=0.009410*i; > y_map[i].z=(-0.007880)*i; > z_map[i].z=(-0.001530)*i; 943,951c943,951 < x_map[i].x=0.2201118963486454*(1.099*i-0.099); < y_map[i].x=0.4321260306242638*(1.099*i-0.099); < z_map[i].x=0.08392226148409894*(1.099*i-0.099); < x_map[i].y=(-0.1348122097479598)*(1.099*i-0.099); < y_map[i].y=(-0.2646647729834528)*(1.099*i-0.099); < z_map[i].y=0.3994769827314126*(1.099*i-0.099); < x_map[i].z=0.3848476530332144*(1.099*i-0.099); < y_map[i].z=(-0.3222618720834477)*(1.099*i-0.099); < z_map[i].z=(-0.06258578094976668)*(1.099*i-0.099); --- > x_map[i].x=0.298839*(1.099*i-0.099); > y_map[i].x=0.586811*(1.099*i-0.099); > z_map[i].x=0.114350*(1.099*i-0.099); > x_map[i].y=(-0.298839)*(1.099*i-0.099); > y_map[i].y=(-0.586811)*(1.099*i-0.099); > z_map[i].y=0.88600*(1.099*i-0.099); > x_map[i].z=0.70100*(1.099*i-0.099); > y_map[i].z=(-0.586811)*(1.099*i-0.099); > z_map[i].z=(-0.114350)*(1.099*i-0.099);
- magick/composite.c
- composite パラメータを Artifact に設定するの間違えて、変換前画像にしてた。
1845c1845 < value=GetImageArtifact(source_image,"compose:args"); --- > value=GetImageArtifact(image,"compose:args");
- magick/decorate.c
- FrameImage の Set frame interior pixels の処理をごっそり削除 (いいの?)
455a456 > for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) image->columns; x++) 457,478c458,460 < register const IndexPacket < *indexes; < < register const PixelPacket < *p; < < p=GetCacheViewVirtualPixels(image_view,0,y,image->columns,1,exception); < if (p == (const PixelPacket *) NULL) < { < status=MagickFalse; < continue; < } < indexes=GetCacheViewVirtualIndexQueue(image_view); < (void) CopyMagickMemory(q,p,image->columns*sizeof(*p)); < if ((image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace) && < (frame_image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)) < { < (void) CopyMagickMemory(frame_indexes,indexes,image->columns* < sizeof(*indexes)); < frame_indexes+=image->columns; < } < q+=image->columns; --- > SetPixelPacket(frame_image,&border,q,frame_indexes); > q++; > frame_indexes++;
- magick/draw.c
- ハードコーディングの 96.0 を DefaultResolution に変更。72.0 を 96.0 に修正(こっちはハードコーディングで)
1287,1288c1287,1288 < resolution.x=DefaultResolution; < resolution.y=DefaultResolution; --- > resolution.x=96.0;; > resolution.y=96.0;; 1303c1303 < mid=(resolution.x/72.0)*ExpandAffine(&clone_info->affine)* --- > mid=(resolution.x/96.0)*ExpandAffine(&clone_info->affine)*
- magick/memory.c
- AcquireAlignedMemory から anonymous mapping("system:memory-map")の処理を追加。
62a63 > #include "magick/policy.h" 66c67 < #include "magick/utility-private.h" --- > #include "magick/utility.h" 224c225 < % bytes whose address is a multiple of 16*sizeof(void *). --- > % bytes whose address is aligned on a cache line or page boundary. 253d253 < alignment=CACHE_LINE_SIZE; 255,256c255,259 < extent=AlignedExtent(size,alignment); < if ((size == 0) || (alignment < sizeof(void *)) || (extent < size)) --- > alignment=CACHE_LINE_SIZE; > if (size > (GetMagickPageSize() >> 1)) > alignment=GetMagickPageSize(); > extent=AlignedExtent(size,CACHE_LINE_SIZE); > if ((size == 0) || (extent < size)) 570a574,576 > static ssize_t > virtual_anonymous_memory = (-1); > 580a587,606 > if (virtual_anonymous_memory < 0) > { > char > *value; > > /* > Does the security policy require anonymous mapping for pixel cache? > */ > virtual_anonymous_memory=0; > value=GetPolicyValue("system:memory-map"); > if (LocaleCompare(value,"anonymous") == 0) > { > #if defined(MAGICKCORE_HAVE_MMAP) && defined(MAP_ANONYMOUS) > virtual_anonymous_memory=1; > #endif > } > value=DestroyString(value); > } > if (virtual_anonymous_memory <= 0) > { 590a617,619 > } > else > { 594c623 < Heap memory failed, try anonymous memory mapping. --- > Acquire anonymous memory map.
- magick/module.c
- MagickReadDirectory インライン関数を追加。
383,395d383 < < static inline int MagickReadDirectory(DIR *directory,struct dirent *entry, < struct dirent **result) < { < #if defined(MAGICKCORE_HAVE_READDIR_R) < return(readdir_r(directory,entry,result)); < #else < (void) entry; < errno=0; < *result=readdir(directory); < return(errno); < #endif < }
- magick/nt-base-private.h
- NTGetPageSize 関数追加
136a137 > NTGetPageSize(void), 144,145c145 < NTReportEvent(const char *,const MagickBooleanType), < NTReportException(const char *,const MagickBooleanType); --- > NTReportEvent(const char *,const MagickBooleanType);
- magick/nt-base.c
- NTGetPageSize 関数追加
> MagickPrivate ssize_t NTGetPageSize(void) > { > SYSTEM_INFO > system_info; > > GetSystemInfo(&system_info); > return((ssize_t) system_info.dwPageSize); > } 2711a2739 > magick_unreferenced(info);
- magick/semaphore.c
- alignment を定数の CACHE_LINE_SIZE に変更
53a54 > #include "magick/utility.h" 149,150c150,151 < extent=AlignedExtent(size,alignment); < if ((size == 0) || (alignment < sizeof(void *)) || (extent < size)) --- > extent=AlignedExtent(size,CACHE_LINE_SIZE); > if ((size == 0) || (extent < size))
- magick/stream.c
- AcquireStreamPixels で security policy の anonymous mapping for pixel cache 対応。
56a57 > #include "magick/policy.h" 129a131,136 > Global declarations. > */ > static ssize_t > cache_anonymous_memory = (-1); > ^L > /* 649a657,683 > if (cache_anonymous_memory < 0) > { > char > *value; > > /* > Does the security policy require anonymous mapping for pixel cache? > */ > cache_anonymous_memory=0; > value=GetPolicyValue("pixel-cache-memory"); > if (value == (char *) NULL) > value=GetPolicyValue("cache:memory-map"); > if (LocaleCompare(value,"anonymous") == 0) > { > #if defined(MAGICKCORE_HAVE_MMAP) && defined(MAP_ANONYMOUS) > cache_anonymous_memory=1; > #else > (void) ThrowMagickException(exception,GetMagickModule(), > MissingDelegateError,"DelegateLibrarySupportNotBuiltIn", > "'%s' (policy requires anonymous memory mapping)", > cache_info->filename); > #endif > } > value=DestroyString(value); > } > if (cache_anonymous_memory <= 0) > { 651,653c685,688 < cache_info->pixels=(PixelPacket *) MagickAssumeAligned(AcquireAlignedMemory(1, < (size_t) cache_info->length)); < if (cache_info->pixels == (PixelPacket *) NULL) --- > cache_info->pixels=(PixelPacket *) MagickAssumeAligned( > AcquireAlignedMemory(1,(size_t) cache_info->length)); > } > else
- magick/string.c
- FormatMagickSize の実数(%g)精度に GetMagickPrecision を使う。
- + があったら終端にさせる。
1071a1072,1075 > char > p[MaxTextExtent], > q[MaxTextExtent]; > 1080,1081c1084 < i, < j; --- > i; 1108,1111c1111,1114 < for (i=0; (length >= bytes) && (units[i+1] != (const char *) NULL); i++) < length/=bytes; < count=0; < for (j=2; j < 12; j++) --- > (void) FormatLocaleString(p,MaxTextExtent,"%.*g",GetMagickPrecision(), > length); > (void) FormatLocaleString(q,MaxTextExtent,"%.20g",length); > if (strtod(p,(char **) NULL) == strtod(q,(char **) NULL)) 1113,1116c1116,1117 < count=FormatLocaleString(format,MaxTextExtent,"%.*g%sB",(int) (i+j),length, < units[i]); < if (strchr(format,'+') == (char *) NULL) < break; --- > count=FormatLocaleString(format,MaxTextExtent,"%.20g%sB",length,units[0]); > return(count); 1117a1119,1122 > for (i=0; (length >= bytes) && (units[i+1] != (const char *) NULL); i++) > length/=bytes; > count=FormatLocaleString(format,MaxTextExtent,"%.*g%sB",GetMagickPrecision(), > length,units[i]);
- magick/utility-private.h
- MagickReadDirectory インライン関数追加
30a31,43 > > static inline int MagickReadDirectory(DIR *directory,struct dirent *entry, > struct dirent **result) > { > #if defined(MAGICKCORE_HAVE_READDIR_R) > return(readdir_r(directory,entry,result)); > #else > (void) entry; > errno=0; > *result=readdir(directory); > return(errno); > #endif > }
- magick/utility.c
- GetMagickPageSize のデフォルトを 16384 から 4096 に。Windows の場合は NTGetPageSize で取得
- MagickReadDirectory インライン関数を削除してヘッダに移動。
> #elif defined(MAGICKCORE_WINDOWS_SUPPORT) > page_size=NTGetPageSize(); 1119c1119 < page_size=16384; --- > page_size=4096; 1547,1557d1546 < < static inline int MagickReadDirectory(DIR *directory,struct dirent *entry, < struct dirent **result) < { < errno=0; < entry=readdir(directory); < *result=entry; < if ((entry == (struct dirent *) NULL) && (errno != 0)) < return(-1); < return(0); < }
2017-04-24 6.9.8-4 Cristy <quetzlzacatenango@image...> * Release ImageMagick version 6.9.8-4, GIT revision 11521:d7433aa:20170424. 2017-03-26 6.9.8-4 Cristy <quetzlzacatenango@image...> * Minimize buffer copies to improve OpenCL performance. * Patch a PCD writer problem, dark pixels (reference * Support ICC based PDF's (reference